50th Avenue Area Redevelopment Plan: Urban Design + Green Space Connectivity Study

Client The City of Calgary
Location Calgary | Alberta | Canada

The 50 Avenue SW Area Redevelopment Plan is a long term initiative intended to guide future decisions related to land use, urban form, and transportation issues through to 2039. O2 was appointed by The City of Calgary department of Land Use Planning and Policy (LUPP) to complete an Area Redevelopment Plan for the 50 Avenue SW Corridor of Calgary in the communities of Elboya, Britannia, and Windsor Park. Included in the Area Redevelopment Plan was a detailed urban design concept, a regulating plan, and the formulation of an implementation strategy.

O2 first undertook an opportunities and constraints analysis to distil the design parameters of the study area and understand the market potential for development as well as the feasibility of the burying the transmission lines currently running along 50 Avenue corridor.

The analysis resulted in a concept for the future urban structure of the three communities, which informed the fine-scale design of a preferred urban design concept. The concept focused on creating feasible, pedestrian-focused development that emphasized contextually responsive intensification and low impact development opportunities. Supporting the concept, O2 created a series of renderings, axonometric and street cross-sections as well as a City Engine 3D model to support the concept. Throughout the process, O2 consulted with members of the Community Advisory Committee and several city departments to ensure that the plan responded to community desires as well as engineering and servicing considerations.